Saturday, March 27, 2021

DONATION OF 3,500,000.00 EURO.

Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2021 03:48:25 +0200

My name is Manuel Franco from the USA. Me and my wife want to
share good news with you. I won the April 2019 $768 million Powerball jackpot.
We have
decided to donate to 10 random people due to this coronavirus and to help your communities.
I have given most of my fortune to a number of charities. I have voluntarily decided to donate the amount of 3,500,000.00 euros to you. Firstly i will say Congratulatins your email was selected from a spinball. As one of my lucky 10 chosen people. On how to clam reply for more information.
This is your donation code: [MF4322021]
You can reply to email: (
) with the donation code.

I hope you make your family happy.


Manuel Franco and family

Saturday, February 20, 2021


Donation for you from the Douglas family contact


Kind Regard

Anne Douglas

Family Member

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