Thursday, June 20, 2013

Confessions of a warn out soul

So, at the heart of it I’m a nasty, critical, opinionated individual.

From time to time I’m just not interested in being nice or uplifting, and am quite content to be just the opposite.

It is quite easy to put on the careful intelligent hat and presume self importance to acquit oneself of poor behaviour - a practice that I think I am quite a natural at.

It is in this vein that I behaved at the last focus in respect to the video that we watched.

Quite rightly, I had no reason to pull it down or be critical out of some zealous pretence of eclectic vanity.

For this I apologise.

No valid excuse.

No legitimate reason.

Just my tired, warn out desire to spew forth bad vibes for all to share.

’Nuf said.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Luke 1 Study notes

Study Notes Luke1

Here are some basic notes from tonight’s focus group:

  • Romans 8:14, Wayne Jacobson… Talks about freedom from fear and being able to love others.
  • read through passage to the end of the passage.
  • 77–78, spiritual awakening, not interpreted as a political liberation, but spiritual
  • life changing experience for Zekariah, 30 years before Jesus and John begin ministry, did he keep telling this story?
  • Romans4, ancient promise to Abraham - linchpin for it all to work and fit into context
  • Parodical Son, more than one way to hide from God, both sons did not show, love for the father
  • I am free song and video, central church video, connects to Lk 1:79.